Monday, July 29, 2013

Another e-book finished!

As I've mentioned before, I'm alternating between ebooks and regular books. After finally finishing Anna and the French Kiss, I read the next Doctor Who ebook on my list. It was the 6th Doctor's story, and I liked it pretty well. The story jumped right into the action, which is great for a short story- no need to waste time with a lengthy backstory! The companion narrated this story, which was interesting, and the 6th Doctor was definitely written as the 6th Doctor. It was a nice little story, probably one of my favorites of these ebooks so far.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Finally done with another book...

The amount of time it takes me to finish a book has more to do with how much I like it than the actual difficulty.

It took almost a week for me to finish Anna and the French Kiss. It's an easy read, but I had a really difficult time getting into it. About halfway through I started to care about the characters, and just wanted to know how things would end up. The story is super cheesy- I guessed most of the major plot points very early on. There was really only one "plot twist" in my opinion, and it fizzled out by the end and became a nonissue.

I just felt like everything came together too neatly, and everyone lived happily ever after. In real life, people I know who have gone through similar situations of having a boy leave his girlfriend for them, have ended up with the boy leaving them for the next girl. I don't know. Maybe I'm just too old and cynical to read young adult fiction, and there were a few parts I enjoyed. But I was right in assuming that this was not my kind of book.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Another new to me movie!

And continuing on with the theme of 90's movies, I suppose! I watched The Truman Show, which I really enjoyed. Great social commentary, with a realistic feel- I mean, who knows where reality TV is going! As usual I think I'm the last person in the world to watch this movie, but if you haven't seen it, I totally recommend it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another ebook finished!

I'm trying to alternate between real books and the short ebooks, so when I finished The Other Boleyn Girl I started on my next Doctor Who ebook. This one was for the fifth Doctor, so I'm almost caught up! The ebook was called Tip of the Tongue, and I'll have to say was not my favorite of these 50th anniversary ebooks. It was set in World War II era America, and focused on two teenagers. The Doctor and his companion were barely in it, and it could have been any Doctor, if only the wardrobe description had been changed. It's fun to see how different authors go back and interpret these older Doctors in their stories, and when the Doctor is barely in the story, it seems a little pointless. Of course I'll continue to read the series, but not until I finish another real life book first!

Monday, July 22, 2013

A long overdue book update

I finally finished The Other Boleyn Girl. I have a very long history with this book, and I'm glad it's done!

I borrowed the book from my college roommate, in 2007 or so. I read part of it, but I was so busy with school that I set it aside. I would pick it up periodically, but always have to start over since it had been so long since I'd read any of it! A year or two later I finally got my own copy, but never did get around to finishing the book. It has been sitting half finished in my bookcase, on the shelf with all the other books I've been meaning to read. Now, as I attempt to read 25 books before my next birthday, I'm finally making my way through the stack. Six years after I first picked it up, I have finally finished The Other Boleyn Girl.

(And I think I still have my former roommate's copy. Sorry Hilary!)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Banana Peppers!

I tried another new food! I had banana peppers with my dinner yesterday, and I really enjoyed them! I'm finding all kinds of tasty new foods!

Friday, July 12, 2013

I finished another book!

I just finished the book The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. It's definitely one of my new favorite books- very well written, but easy to read and such a great story. It's different and it's excellent, and you should all read it!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I went to the consignment shop!

I finally took a trip to sell some clothing today. They took 6 of my items, and I got a little over $25 for them! I didn't make it to my 25 items today, but it's a good start. I'll try again in the fall, and maybe donate some of my summer items in the meantime.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

An actual, full-length book!

I read an actual book! I read From The Dust Returned by Ray Bradbury. It's been sitting on my to-read shelf for ages, and I finally decided to pick it up. Ray Bradbury is one of my favorite authors, and he tells an excellent story. The book is a little disjointed, because different parts were written at different times and then joined together later. Bradbury started the story in 1946 and finished it in 2000, which is kind of funny considering her wrote Fahrenheit 451 in a week. This book is about a very peculiar family, which is loosely based on Bradbury's family. It's a great Halloween story, and would probably be even better read again and again.

I'm glad I finally read this book! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy stories, and definitely suggest reading it around Halloween.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A not-so-new movie

I was searching Netflix for a movie that I hadn't seen before, and I found Clueless. I know, I'm the last person to watch that movie! It's very 90's but it's really cute and funny. And it had a happy ending where everything is tied up and everyone lives happily ever after, so that's nice too. If you haven't seen it (or if it's been a while), definitely check it out!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Another (short) Book

Yes, I know, another short book! But that's the key to reading as many books as possible in a short amount of time. This book was Never Stop Shutting Up by Mike Falzone. It's a collection of essays about everyday life, with some really unique advice. It's a funny book, and a very light read, not something that needs to be read all at once. It's a great summer read if you need something light and fun for vacation, I would definitely recommend it!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

5 pounds down!

I have officially lost five pounds since my birthday! I did a juice fast shortly after my birthday, and since then I've been drinking plenty of water, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and working out regularly. I feel amazing, and I love that I'm leading a healthy lifestyle instead of dieting. I'm not counting calories or worrying about eating things that are low-fat. Instead, I'm focusing on eating whole foods and things that have lots of nutrients, and less processed food. If I keep losing at this rate, I'll reach my goal way before next year, and it would be awesome if I could lose even more than 25 pounds! But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, and for now I'll continue to focus on small goals.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Another book down!

I'm trying to get more into reading and writing, which is excellent news for one goal of mine! I read another Doctor Who e-book, this one was for the Fourth Doctor (I'm a little behind). This book was Doctor Who: The Roots of Evil by Philip Reeve. It was an okay story, I don't know a whole lot about the Fourth Doctor but it seemed fairly true to character. Not a great book, but these are meant to be quick stories about each Doctor and not great literature.

Maybe my next book will be an actual, full-length novel! No promises though.